Monday, November 7, 2011

Book Review: The Christian the Court and the Constitution by Sekulow

Sekulow, J. A. The Christian the Court and the Constitution, ACLJ 2000  The ACLJ=Amer. Center for  Law and Justice: Pro-life, pro-family, pro-liberty; Virginia Beach
By focusing on U.S. constitutional law, European Union law and human rights law, the ACLJ and its affiliated organizations are dedicated to the concept that freedom and liberty are universal, God-given and inalienable rights that must be protected. Jay Sekulow is Chief Counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), one of the most prestigious law firms in the country. He is an accomplished Supreme Court advocate, renowned expert on religious liberty, and a respected broadcaster.”
Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow arguing a case at the Supreme Court
Jay Sekulow is an attorney with a passion for protecting religious liberty - freedom - democracy. For nearly a quarter of a century, he's been on the front lines - working to protect religious and constitutional freedoms in the courts, in Congress, and in the public arena.
A book review follows: He noted that Isa. 53 is good for witnessing to Jews.p.11 Jews for Jesus influenced him. He won his first supreme court case on the witnessing in the LA airport.p.16 Section 2 Chap.1 We may give out tracks and witness in public places: streets, sidewalks, parks, airports bus and train stations; this is protected 1st amendment free speech. Handing out free tracks is not soliciting; soliciting is selling something for money.p20-22 Loitering means you do have not legitimate purpose. Chap. 2. Lamb’s Chapel and the Use of Public Facilities. An evangelical church applied to rent a school facility during nonschool hrs for a movie series by James Dobson- Focus on the Family and was denied by the school, although it was available to other groups. The Supreme Court overturned this. Now this can apply to public buildings that are used for groups. Procedures; Apply to use a Gov. bldg., if denied, write a letter citing Lamb’s chapel decision. Chap. 3 Picketing and Demonstrating:p.30 You may express opposition near an abortion center with signs and literature, when standing on public streets and sidewalks.  You may not block or obstruct traffic, or make excessive noise in a neighborhood.  When planning a march  or demonstration with a substantial number of people  you may have to apply for a permit.p.32 Leafleting is different the solicitation. Chap. 4. Nat. Day of Prayer. Public places may be used for this if they have also been used for art and craft fairs, political events, etc. Chap.5. Public Nativities: p.36 are permitted in public areas in some cases. Chap. 6. Removing Pornography. p. 40 Picketing and distributing literature and even taking pictures is allowed on public sidewalks. You may apply to the city council for an ordinance against them within certain distances from churches and schools. Zoning out or certain areas is also possible. See study data on effects of them. You may write a letter to business management.
Section 3 Chap. 1. Students’ rights of free speech: P.45  Students can witness, and hand out tracts in school, but not disturb a class doing it.(in a hallway, cafeteria, or school yard) They can have bible clubs, carry a bible, and pray.  See Mergens case. The constitution never mentions the words ‘separation of church and state’; What is prohibited is school sponsored church activities by school officials, but not by students. In the Mergens case even schools fund may be used for a bible club if also used for other clubs. A bible club can advertize on campus. Chap. 2.  Graduation prayer and talks: p.55 Prayers and talks are allowed by students; they should be more generic and not offensive. Inviting prayer by a clergy may be a problem. P59 Students could pray at the flag pole on a special occasion; the nat. day of prayer. Moment of silence is also allowed. Holiday observances: Christmas cards are allowed, and students can say Merry Christmas. Choir hymns are allowed in the context of cultural advancement.p63 Chap.3 Opting out of objectionable classes: p66 Parents may exempt children from experimental or values related curriculum(Hatch Amendment-Pupils rights). This includes occult teaching, visualizing and meditations.  Sex Edu. should tell of abstinence not just birth control or favor homosexuality.  Amorality can’t be favored.  Parents can monitor classes. Section 4. Pres. Clinton directed school super.: Students have right to pray, express their faith. The Equal Access Act affirmed Bible Club at school if other clubs are allowed. Students can pray and have p. 77 discussions in cafeteria, and hallways; before and after school events, flag pole. They can express beliefs in the assigned school work if relevant. Can distribute literature, school may regulate the time and place. School can teach values. Section 5. Rights in the Workplace: p 79 Title 7 To qualify: 1. Have religious belief, 2. Inform the employer in writing, 3. Was discharged or disciplined.  You can share gospel with coworkers at work; have Bible on desk; have; some religious holidays off; speak or act in a way that violated religion. Private business can have religious prayers, literature, business ethics trg., can do witnessing. etc.p91,96  Gov. employees have more rights by constitution.p94 Title 7 applies to business with 15 or more employees, must fine in 180 days to EEO /separation of church and state is not I Constit.p.94 Section 6. Changing Local Laws: P105  The 1st approach is usually to local school boards or City councils. You must have a well prepared case, have some support and an attorney is good. You can let the news know.

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